Pet Handler

Pet Handler

We will make them
truly happy.

Another faithful form of a pet is to be protective to its owner. If trained well this trait can be reformed into a skill and the dog can become a good watch/guard dog. Guards and trained watch dogs are now becoming a necessity in our society. With a lot of love and care we train these four legged marvels to become our protectors, as they can hear and sense, what we can’t.

* Sniffer Dogs – All categories available. We can even train any pet in any specific trait or smell sense. * Guard Dogs – Trained Guard dogs & attack dogs for protection and guarding. * Assistance Dogs – Trained to help/assist disabled or individuals with special needs. * Therapy Dogs – Friendly dogs for visits to corporate offices, parties and otherwise. Stress buster visits available. * Others – All kinds of training and behavior correction available * Premium guard dog and handler service * Shift facility available * On location housing services, if required

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Quick veterinary Services

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